We are close to collecting the required number of signatures for the petition.

In August 2023 we created online petition with an appeal to the NFIB to investigate the fraudulent activities of Freewallet owners It is available here: https://chng.it/JVYrmzzHGK We asked everyone to sign this petition, and by now 76 people signed it. We need 24 more signatures. After this, the petition will be sent directly to NFIB officers, who will […]

New websites about Freewallet scammers

New websites about main Freewallet scammers, Gunyashov, Mesheryakov and Hagg are ready! Visit them now! Vasiliy Mesheryakov, Dmitry Gunyashov, and Alvin Hagg are the primary figures behind Freewallet. While they present themselves as legitimate entrepreneurs in the crypto space, their backgrounds tell a different story. Each of these individuals has a history marred by fraudulent […]

Freewallet Scam: Victim Stories and a Call for Action

The promise of decentralized finance and digital wallets has opened new opportunities, but it has also led to significant challenges. One such troubling instance involves Freewallet, a company that has recently faced numerous scam accusations from users worldwide. In this post, we recount the experiences of two new victims who contacted us via email at […]

We are campaigning to have Freewallet removed from the App Store with the assistance of the Better Business Bureau.

Have you experienced financial loss after downloading Freewallet from the App Store? Sadly, you are not alone. Freewallet is infamous for freezing numerous accounts daily. Users often receive notifications about “suspicious activity,” which then prevent them from withdrawing their funds. This deceptive practice is known as KYC Fraud. We need to stop Freewallet’s scam operations, […]

Freewallet stole €50,000 from a Spanish resident

Another victim of Freewallet scammers has contacted us. A man named Alexey currently lives in Spain. He has been using this application since 2018. In the first years, the wallet seemed quite convenient and reliable. The amount of savings grew. Small transactions were processed without problems….And now, in April 2024, scammers stole more than 50,000 […]

We are looking for volunteers!

Help us to warn your compatriots! Translate the texts in which we talk about Freewallet scam into your language! Freewallet scammers have already deceived thousands of clients. Among the victims are residents of Romania, the Netherlands, the USA, Russia, Thailand, China and other regions. Unfortunately, most reviews and complaints are published in English. Not all […]

Send abuse to Cloudflare

How to stop Freewallet scammers? The most reliable way is to get law enforcement officials to conduct an independent investigation. But it is important to note that the owners of the service may be located in different countries. According to some sources, the founder of Freewallet org lives in the UK, according to others – […]

Alvin Hagg came to the attention of law enforcement officers

Alvin Hagg came to the attention of law enforcement officers. The head and co-founder of Freewallet may soon be under arrest. We have certain information that is not worth mentioning for now so as not to harm the interests of the investigation. But to put it briefly, the police of one of the countries became […]

Кошелек Freewallet создан мошенниками!

Freewallet org – мошеннический проект. На нашем сайте мы неоднократно описывали, как администрация крадет деньги клиентов. Большинство отзывов о Freewallet опубликовано на англоязычных ресурсах. Но мы знаем, что это мошенническое приложение обокрало тысячи клиентов из разных стран. Поэтому мы запускам отдельные сайты на нескольких языках для помощи пострадавшим. https://freewalletotzyvy.org Наш сайт для русскоязычных пользователей. На […]

Freewallet: new episodes of scam and new tips for victims of this fraud

Freewallet: new episodes of scam and new tips for victims of this fraud We continue to expose scammers from the Freewallet project team who steal clients’ assets. In various materials you can find detailed reviews and evidence of scam. Freewallet is not a safe and secure crypto wallet. It’s a total scam. And today we […]