Freewallet scammers use well-known crypto projects to deceive customers!

“Introducing our new media partner: CoinSpeaker.”

“Freewallet serves as the official wallet for the KIN cryptocurrency.”

“Freewallet was featured on a Netflix show.”

A closer look reveals that while Freewallet’s official blog features dozens of pages implying endorsements from major crypto portals and projects, the reality is quite different.

In reality, many large companies that recommend Freewallet or leave positive reviews are unaware that this wallet has defrauded numerous customers. During communication with teams from other projects, we came to realize that Freewallet’s owners are exerting substantial effort to recruit additional projects to their side.

While the owners try to conceal that hundreds of users have posted negative comments and complaints, this fact remains readily apparent.

In this regard, we would like to appeal to representatives of crypto projects who left recommendations to Freewallet: do not allow scammers to use the names of your brands to find new victims. THIS situation will only harm your reputation!